Communications and digital services manager
Derwent Living - July 2013 to September 2020.
I managed Derwent Living’s day-to-day marketing and communication function and drive the strategy of all digital, mobile and social media activity across the business – both for external and internal audiences. I also managed (and still do) crisis communications and public relations work.
With limited budget and a small team I reduced budgetary spend by around £150,000 in five years and delivered huge savings through deploying new systems and technology. I also changed how the team worked, with almost all marketing activity regardless of complexity carried out in house. This spanned everything from collateral creation and in-house web design to development and the management of the infrastructure on which the sites sit.
I had a number of big successes during my time heading up the team, including securing a Customer Service Excellence Compliance Plus accreditation and winning a national TPAS award for the website. My favourite moment was the culmination of the Homes for Britain campaign back in 2015. Being at the centre of a media scrum and getting coverage on the Six O'Clock News and in most major newspapers based almost entirely on creative decisions you've helped to make was a great feeling.
I was also very fortunate to work with some really good people who supported me throughout my time in charge, and none of the projects or the work would have happened without them.
Role projects
You can read about some of the key projects I undertook in the role by clicking on one below.

Virtual Places
Creating a tailored virtual reality experience for older people.

Derwent Living website
Award winning and nationally accredited don't you know.

The Meet @Bustler Market
Like a conference, but at the same time not.

Derwent Live
Intranet of things.

Digital humanity film
Sci-fi's finest (copyright free) moments in a corporate video.

Homes for Britain rally
Taking the fight for affordable homes to London

Derwent Living 50th anniversary
Book. Film. Beer. Events.

Business plan launch
There's no such thing as a free launch.